
 FH Aachen | Thilo Vogel

Exploring Boundaries,
Enabling Progress

Our institute is a center for application-oriented research and development. We firmly believe that good research can pave the way for future progress. That is why we are passionate about exploring frontiers and enabling progress through innovative projects.

On this page, we present an overview of our current research projects. From IT security to Industry 4.0 and beyond, our efforts are shaping the world of tomorrow.

Active Projects


The GreenCode project aims to reduce the energy consumption of software-driven systems caused by inefficient program code. It develops methods and metrics for determining and optimizing the energy efficiency of program code and IT landscapes. The central challenges are the identification and optimization of inefficient code components while maintaining functionality and security as well as the detection of energy-intensive or unused services in IT landscapes. In addition to optimizing existing systems, new developments should also be designed to be energy-efficient.

The international consortium, consisting of experts in system architecture, AI, hardware-related programming and code analysis, uses artificial intelligence to automatically identify and optimize inefficient components. These AI-supported approaches are to be marketed internationally in order to provide solutions to this complex challenge.


Status: active

Duration: 01.10.2024 – 30.09.2027

Research Area: Energy efficient software and algorithms

Project Volume: approx. 5,6 Mio €

Institutions involved:
9 national, 26 international

Funding Body: ITEA (EU)

Learn Battle

The project involves the development and distribution of a digital learning tool for educational institutions. With the help of the “Learn Battle Platform”, students and professors can create relevant teaching content and improve the learning experience.

The platform will be enriched with playful elements and intelligent, automated processes to increase learner motivation. A website and a mobile app are being developed for users. The app can be used to learn the created course content in the form of quizzes in self-study, in groups or battles against fellow students. Functions such as groups, peer feedback and sharing learning packs create a community among students and professors.


Status: active

Duration: 15.05.2024 – 15.11.2025

Research Area: Educational game development

Project Volume: approx. 276.000 €

Funding Body: EU

Completed Projects


The WiLMo (Wirtschaftsinformatik Lehr- und Lern-Module) project aims to develop standardized digital teaching and learning material for Infomation Systems courses and majors at universities. This teaching material will initially be used at the universities in NRW participating in this project and will later be used nationwide.


Status: completed

Duration: 01.04.2022 – 30.09.2024

Research Area: Teaching

Project Volume: approx. 1,1 Mio €

Institutions involved: 6

Funding Body: MKW NRW

Cybersecurity 4.0

The research project is aimed at all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the aim of gaining an understanding of reliable cybersecurity protection for their production environment.


Status: completed

Duration: 01.10.2021 – 30.09.2024

Research Area: Cybersecurity in production environment

Project Volume: approx. 960.000 €

Institutions involved: 4

Funding Body: EU


The ERBSE project – Enhance Risk-Aware Behavior to Secure End-Users – is a cooperative research project between Aachen University of Applied Sciences, RWTH Aachen University and Ruhr University Bochum. The aim of the project is to improve the teaching of IT security skills with the help of Competence Developing Games.



Status: completed

Duration: 03.2020 – 03.2022

Research Area: Cybersecurity awareness

Project Volume: approx. 4 Mio €

Institutions involved: 8

Funding Body: LMKW NRW


It is important to train non-IT staff on how to avoid cyber security risks in their daily digitalized work. Even today, employees are often the biggest threat in the cybersecurity chain. In order to provide effective cybersecurity awareness training, it is important to establish a continuous training cycle to achieve long-term behavioral change. GHOST – Gamified Hacking Offence Simulation-based Training is a new approach to delivering cybersecurity awareness training to end users in organizations. It is a turn-based, tablet-based, serious game-like skills development game that provides cybersecurity awareness training.


Status: completed

Duration: 06.2015 – 09.2017

Research Area: IT-Security & Gamification

Project Volume: 310.000 €

Funding Body: BMBF


The proposed research work on the topic of “Smart Infrastructure for Living Environments” (SMILE) is the first part of the development of the research focus area “Business Informatics/Digitalization”. The SMILE project focuses on the area of “Smart Living Environments” (SLE). On the one hand, a large number of different technologies are used in SLEs, which need to be adapted and coordinated. On the other hand, SLEs are generally developed for all people, which is why the user perspective plays an important role.

The specific aim of the SMILE project is to develop a platform on which new services2 for SLE can be developed, evaluated and (prototypically) implemented, involving as many different areas of expertise and knowledge as possible.


Status: completed

Duration: 2018 – 2021

Research Area: Cyberphysical systems

Project Volume: approx. 80.000 €

Institutions involved: 6

Funding Body: BMBF


Software development projects are exposed to different stakeholders with different quality requirements. It is now well documented that the task of testing software, for example, is perceived as uninteresting and rather boring, which ultimately leads to poor software quality, so-called “technical debt”.

Competence Developing Games (CDG) provide playful elements to make mundane and often boring everyday tasks more attractive and engaging. The contribution of CDGs to increasing motivation and the efficiency of routine tasks is now well documented. Initial approaches have also already investigated the effect of CDG on software developers and come to promising results. However, important research questions remain unanswered. In particular, a systematic survey of requirements for a CDG for software developers and experimental studies of the effects on software quality have not yet been addressed. Against this background, the CODEGA project – Quality assurance of digital innovations through Competence Developing Games – answers the question of how software developers of digital start-ups can be motivated to increase software quality with the help of gamification approaches.


Status: completed

Duration: 2021-2022

Research Area: Gamification

Project Volume: 20.000 €

Funding Body: Internal


Process mining and corresponding process mining tools provide methods and tools with which (teaching and learning) processes can be recorded, analyzed and clustered. Process mining delivers results that go beyond conventional data analyses, as individual and implicit process information – which plays a particularly important role in the teaching/learning process – can also be made visible. The extraction of this implicit process information requires the involvement of the process performers, i.e. the students, which is carried out using storytelling methods, for example. This is precisely what the SIMPLE project – study-integrated mining of processes to support learning and teaching – is researching. The result is new views of the data, which – enriched with individual information from those involved in the process – offer new possibilities for interpretation and visualization. From a scientific point of view, this aspect has not yet been systematically investigated in the area of teaching/learning processes.


Status: completed

Duration: 2020-2021

Research Area: Process Mining & Teaching

Project Volume: 15.000 €

Funding Body: Internal

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